The program aims to improve the capacity of the Romanian NGO sector to comply with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Legislation.




The transposition of the EU Directive on anti-money laundering and the entering into effect of the GDPR in May 2018 has brought on various obligations for which the non-profit sector has neither the expertise, nor the resources to comply with.



In order to strengthen the Romanian NGOs’ capacity to comply with GDPR and AML regulations, EFOR received an initial exploratory grant to analyze the existing legislation in Romania, as well as the EU directives on GDPR and AML in order to determine how they would impact the NGO sector. The main conclusions were that NGOs have little awareness, understanding and capacity to comply with GDPR and AML regulations and obligations, and that the public authorities in charge with the enforcement of GDPR and AML have limited knowledge about the particularities of the NGO sector. EFOR took the lead in opening a discussion between the NGO sector and the enforcement authorities on these topics.


To achieve the program objectives, EFOR will focus on the following actions:

  1. Organize a series of training sessions for NGOs across the country, with the input of national authorities in charge with the enforcement of GDPR and AML.
  2. Develop guidebooks tailored for the NGO sector, with the help of the national authorities in charge with the enforcement of the GDPR and AML legislation.
  3. Participate in European debates and events regarding the GDPR and AML standards.




  • Romanian NGOs across the country improve compliance with GDPR and AML.
  • Improved cooperation between NGOs and the national authorities in these sectors.