

study science disciplines. These numbers fell sharply from the 1990s, when 68% were studying in the area of techology and innovation.

Romanian-American Foundation works with teachers, schools, and business and NGO partners to develop programs that provide students of all ages with the right skills and knowledge needed for the development of the high-added value and innovative tech sector.


Technology and innovation have become more and more important for Romania’s economic development of late. Both on the domestic and international market, there are increasing opportunities for Romanian entrepreneurs to develop and sell products and services in various economic fields. Concurrently, the more companies advance in sectors with higher added value, the more skilled and knowledgeable their employees must be.


At present, however, graduates of technical universities are little or not at all familiarized with product development or market mechanisms. There are also few academic programs aimed at preparing students for economic fields with a higher added value. Those who become entrepreneurs have limited access to business support and knowledge services.


As far as secondary education is concerned, lack of performance in science, technology, and mathematics) has long-lasting negative effects. Results in international tests are below average and place Romania very far from advanced countries in the field.


RAF programs are focused on two important areas:


  • Contributing to an increased performance and interest in science secondary education, so that more and more young people are prepared for a career in technology and innovation.
  • Supporting a market-oriented university education system whose graduates can become entrepreneurs and employees creating added value.

Programs and strategies